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Preservation, reuse, and the spirit of renewal is at the core of our mission and it’s why we have products you can use to fill that hole in your tent, patch up the leak in your waders, and clean the salt water out of your wetsuit. We want to empower and educate the everyday adventurer to use our DIY and care products to refresh and repair your gear. Most importantly, we want to help extend the life of each outdoor gear you own.

We also know that over time, your gear becomes part of your story: When you work and play outdoors, your gear can certainly go through it—and every gash, scrape, tear, and fade that’s been repaired shows where you’ve been and what you’ve overcome.

Reliable support

Fast support, warranty service and easy returns. Lifetime guarantee on our wooden products.

4.85/5 average rating

Over 6300 reviews from customers from all around the World. 98% customers recommend us.

Personalised orders

68travel is an original manufacturer which means we can create personalised orders quickly.

We live for the adventure

At 68travel we love to travel and explore. We strive to use recycled natural materials and reduce plastic usage. 68travel around the World »




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