The Wooden Family Tree by 68travel™️ will transform any ordinary wall into a beautiful spot where you can place your family photos. You may also attach pins and small nails to the wooden parts to add other personal items. The tree itself is pretty large decoration and will stand out in the middle of the wall. You may rearrange the various tree branches, picture frames and other decorations, so that not one of our family trees will be the same.
Dimensions are 225x160cm (89x63in), though most of the branches and frames can be rearranged according to your taste and thus change the overall dimensions. We can also reverse the direction of the family tree and personalise it for you with extra text, frames, etc.
The standard visual is an unstained light natural wood look (as shown in the main product photos). You may also select one of our many natural wood stains that will suit your interior. When custom staining is selected, both the tree and the front of the frames are stained (also includes any additional frames available as a separate item to purchase in various quantities). You can also get extra picture frames here.
tree trunk with branches (approx. 160 x 100 cm / 63 x 39 in)
21 wooden picture frames for 15x10 cm photos (approx. 5.91 x 3.94 in) - viewable dimensions 14x9 cm
2 wooden picture frames for 27x18 cm photos (approx. 10.63 x 7.09 in) - viewable dimensions 26x17 cm
2 wooden birds
1 wooden nesting bird
7 wooden flowers
double-sided tape included- for easy installation
You can get additional picture frames for this family tree by clicking here.
The picture frames have hanging recesses on the back side. They they can be either hung on nails / hooks or you can use the included double-sided tape to attach them to your wall.
The tree is easy to attach to the wall as the tree trunk and branches are 3 mm (0.12 in) thick while the frames are 2 wood layers glued together - 6 mm (0.24 in) thick.
Customisation - Your Truly Unique Wall Decoration
Would you like to get your map or decoration customised in any way and make it even more unique? Add in island? Special colour for a specific country? Custom staining? Custom wooden text as an additional decoration to your map? No problem, we regularly handle requests like these and customisations start at 30 €. Drop us an email at with your detailed request in order to get started.
The various Wooden World Map editions and Wooden Decoration can be customised in terms of colours. Complete list of our currently available stains for these maps can be found here.
No Customs and Duty
Our maps are manufactured and shipped from within the European Union, so there are no customs charges to the EEA countries. There are also no customs charges for our wooden maps and decorations to: Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Norway, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Contact us for details should you have any questions.
Delivery Instructions
Our wooden and moss maps are sensitive to rough handling. Due to their weight and size, the wooden pieces are quality packed suitable for international transport via a courier company. From time-to-time damage may occur during transport. Therefore, you should inspect your package upon delivery and if there is any damage to the outside packaging, record that on the spot with the delivery driver (preferably also taking detailed photos or just decline delivery). Evidence of damage has to be sent to the shipping company and ourselves within 24 hours of delivery.
Very good, but a little advice on how to glue it is missing.
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Très bien mais manque un petit notice de conseils pour le coller.
Gabriella C.
Verified owner
Il prodotto è bellissimo
Verified owner
a very nice family tree
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ein sehr schöner Stammbaum
Central Bohemia, Czechia,
Verified owner
Quality workmanship, well packaged, looks very nice. Minor caveat - you can't just arbitrarily replace the photos at any time - you have to peel the whole frame off the wall, replace the photo and re-glue it.
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Kvalitní provedení, kvalitně zabalené, vypadá moc hezky. Drobné upozornění - fotky se nedají jen tak libovolně kdykoli vyměnit - musí se celý rámeček odlepit ze zdi, fotku vyměnit a znovu přilepit.
Grand Est, France,
Verified owner
The 10x15 photos don't fit inside, so we had to cut them all out.
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Les photos en 10x15 ne rentrent pas dedans, il a fallu toutes les redécouper.
Veronika Haas
Verified owner
Totally beautiful, the only thing missing was a description or photo of how to put the parts together. But it turned out well thanks to the internet
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Total schön, einzig eine Beschreibung oder Foto wie die Teile zum Zusammenfügen sind, hat gefehlt. Dank Internet aber gut geworden
Karissa Wilbourn
Verified owner
Not work $200. The wood is very very thin and light. The frames don't have anything to cover the picture so your pictures will just be exposed.
Roderik K.
Verified owner
The tree is beautiful and very nicely done. It's a good idea for an interesting photo placement on the wall.
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Strom je nádherný a veľmi pekne vyhotovený. Je to dobrý nápad na zaujímavé umiestnenie fotografií na stenu.
Verified owner
Poor finish
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Finition médiocre
Monika K.
Verified owner
Bardzo dobra jakość, stworzyłam zdjęciowe drzewo genealogiczne - pomieszanie zdjęć starych i nowych (XIX-XXI w.) - warte swojej ceny.
Sandra R.
Verified owner
It was a present for my mum and she is absolutely thrilled. We stained the wood ourselves and then stuck it to the wall as we wanted, but with silicone because the adhesive tape doesn't stick to rough plaster.
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Das war ein Geschenk für die Mutter und sie ist total begeistert. Wir haben das Holz selbst noch gebeizt und dann nach unserem Wunsch an die wand geklebt, allerdings mit Silikon, denn das Klebeband hält nicht auf Rauhputz.
Verified owner
Well made, bad that there is no glass or acrylic in the picture frame. You have to get it yourself again. Better to pay €20 more, but complete.
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Gut verarbeitet, schlecht, dass in den Bilderrahmen kein Glas oder Acryl ist. Muss man sich wieder selber besorgen. Dann lieber 20 € mehr, aber kpl.
Anni Niem
Verified owner
As it was a gift, I can't judge it, but I personally like it in the picture.
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Da es sich um ein Geschenk handelt, kann ich es nicht beurteilen.Auf dem Bild gefällt es mir persönlich gut.
Anni Niem
Verified owner
As it was a gift, I can't judge it.
I personally like it in the picture.
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Da es sich um ein Geschenk handelt, kann ich es nicht beurteilen.
Auf dem Bild gefällt es mir persönlich gut.
Verified owner
Looks really great, make sure you get the stain sample beforehand so that the colour matches your home.
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Sieht echt super aus, unbedingt vorher das Beizmuster besorgen damit die Farbe in die Wohnung passt.
Iris Fiebig
Verified owner
The woodwork is very beautiful, the only pity is that there is no cover for the picture frames at the front.
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Die Holzarbeiten sind sehr schön, schade ist nur das für die Bilderrahmen vorne keine Abdeckung gibt.
Verified owner
bonjour, très jolie, ça correspond parfaitement à mon attente! merci
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bonjour, très jolie, cela correspond parfaitement à mon attente ! merci
Carolina Hernandez Gonzalez
Verified owner
They have made a mistake in the position of a section. Otherwise very nice!
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Se han equivocado en la posición de un tramo. Por lo demás muy bonito!!
Arnaud P.
Verified owner
Product as expected
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Produit conforme au attente
Verified owner
The tree looks beautiful, but it didn't work with the adhesive tape, so I had to use glue.
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Der Baum sieht schön aus,aber mit dem klebe band hat es nicht geklappt mußte fix kleber nutzen.
Verified owner
The recipient of this product is very happy and loves the shape of the tree and how the branches flow.
Zoltán Senk
Verified owner
Great satisfaction.
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Veľká spokojnosť.
eddie jouan
Verified owner
Superb work
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Superbe travail
Verified owner
Perfectly met my expectations 👌
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Dokonale splnilo moje predstavy 👌
Verified owner
This family tree was recommended by a friend and we could not be happier with it. We could not decide which photos to put in the picture frames. The natural wooden looks just so appealing 😍 The best part is that we can swap photos and branches around any time !
Verified owner
Very nice rendering
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Très beau rendu
Gil R.
Verified owner
A birthday present for my father, but in the end far too expensive for what it is... The result is visually correct, but the components of the tree are very thin (and fragile) and the double-sided tape that came with it is not very "quality"; almost all the pieces fell off in turn in the space of 2 days, causing a few breaks. Everything had to be redone with new tape.
In short, very disappointed (and not very proud of my gift...)
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Anniversaire pour mon père, mais finalement bien trop cher pour ce que c'est... Le rendu est visuellement conforme mais les composants de l'arbre sont très minces (et fragiles) et le double face livré avec, peu "qualitatif"; presque tous les morceaux sont tombés tour à tour en l'espace de 2 jours, occasionnant qqs casses . Tout est à refaire avec un nouveau scotch.
Bref, très déçu (et pas très fier de mon cadeau...)
Gil R.
Verified owner
A birthday present for my father, but in the end far too expensive for what it is... The result is visually correct, but the components of the tree are very thin (and fragile) and the double-sided tape that came with it is not very "quality"; almost all the pieces fell off in turn in the space of 2 days, causing a few breaks. Everything had to be redone with new tape.
In short, very disappointed (and not very proud of my gift...)
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Anniversaire pour mon père, mais finalement bien trop cher pour ce que c'est... Le rendu est visuellement conforme mais les composants de l'arbre sont très minces (et fragiles) et le double face livré avec, peu "qualitatif"; presque tous les morceaux sont tombés tour à tour en l'espace de 2 jours, occasionnant qqs casses . Tout est à refaire avec un nouveau scotch.
Bref, très déçu (et pas très fier de mon cadeau...)
Verified owner
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Verified owner
It really is a bit of a challenge to get all the INDIVIDUALS in the right place. Please don't work under time pressure, then it will be a little more fun bit by bit. I am satisfied. Thank you!
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Es ist wirklich eine kleine Herausforderung alle EINZELTEILE an die richtige Stelle zu bringen. Bitte nicht unter Zeitdruck arbeiten, dann macht es Stück für Stück einwenig mehr Freude. Ich bin zufrieden. Danke!
Verified owner
Super nice product and very fast delivery
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Super schönes Produkt und sehr schnelle Lieferung
Verified owner
Very beautiful tree
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Sehr schöner Baum
Verified owner
amazing processing
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úžasné zpracování
Verified owner
Material, workmanship without problems
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Materiál, zhotovenie bez problémov
Verified owner
Material, workmanship without problems
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Materiál, zhotovenie bez problémov
Lenka Š.Ondrášková
Verified owner
I was expecting better quality products. The back of the frame is unfortunately twisted. One frame is broken. Too bad. Very nice idea, but not very good quality for the money
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Čekala jsem lepší kvalitu výrobků. Zadní strany rámečeku bohužel zkroucene. Jeden rámeček rozlepeny. Škoda. Veli krásný nápad, ale kvalita za ty peníze ne velmi dobrá
Verified owner
Ľubomír K.
Verified owner
we recommend it, it's really beautiful even in reality
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odporucame,je to naozaj krasne aj v skutocnosti
Verified owner
I only have one complaint, the adhesive tape. It is far too little for the amount of wooden parts. Parts then fall off and you have to look for better ones
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Habe nur eine Beanstandung, das Klebeband. Für die Menge an Holzteilen ist es viel zu wenig. Teile fallen dann ab, und man muss nach bessern
Verified owner
The tree is really beautiful! Due to the many individual parts, it does take a while to get everything in the right place, but at the same time it leaves room for individual placement. Highly recommended and would be happy to order again any time!
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Der Baum ist wirklich wunderschön! Durch die vielen Einzelteile braucht es zwar etwas, bis alles an der richtigen Stelle ist, lässt zugleich aber auch Möglichkeiten zur individuellen Platzierung. Absolute Empfehlung und jederzeit gerne wieder!
Sandra G.
Verified owner
Looks good and easy to assemble
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Sieht gut aus und leichte Montage
Christine Trimmel
Verified owner
The whole family enthusiastically took part in the wall installation and are delighted with the family chronicle.
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Die ganze Familie hat begeistert bei der Wandmontage mitgemacht und freut sich über die Familienchronik.
Rolf M.
Verified owner
very neatly finished, nice photo when it is finished
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sehr sauber verarbeitet, schicke Foto wenn es fertig ist
Anca N.
Verified owner
The product wooden family tree with 23 picture is beautifully made. The wood thicknesses is about 2 mm. Beautiful designed.
Inge Landersdorfer
Verified owner
Very beautiful tree
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Sehr schöner Baum
Verified owner
Goods as ordered and dispatched promptly.
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Ware wie bestellt und wurde umgehend versandt.
Dusan S.
Verified owner
Since the purchase of the January 2021 rhodostrom I have seen progress in the range of services, such as the possibility of choice in the selection of products offered. Hats off and thumbs up 👍 I'm glad that my previous contribution in the evaluation someone heard. The suggestion to improve the offer was implemented in a short time. The customer has the opportunity to choose the colour of the rhododrome and to match the colour of the wall and the interior. I finally glued the rhodostromo on the wall. The delay was caused by the unification of the colour of the rhodostrome, the painting and the wall itself. The second time you choose a rhodostromo from you, it will be much easier to choose a suitable rhodostromo.😜 I keep my fingers crossed for you.
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Od nakupu rodostromu januar 2021 som zaregistroval progres v ponuke sluzieb, ako moznost vyberu v moreni ponukanych produktoch. Klobuk dole a palec 👍 Som rad, ze moj predchadzajuci prispevok v hodnoteni niekto vypocul. Podnet k vylepseniu ponuky bol v kratkom case zrealizovany. Zakaznik ma moznost si vybrat farbu rodostromu a farebne zladit s farbou steny a interierom. Rodostrom som konecne aj ja nalepil na stenu. Zdrzanie bolo sposobene zjednotenim farby rodostromu, nalakovanim a samotneho vymalovania steny. Pri druhom vybere rodostromu od Vas, uz bude ovela lahsie si vybrat vhodny rodostrom.😜 Drzim Vam palce.
Dusan S.
Verified owner
Since the purchase of the January 2021 rhodostrom I have seen progress in the range of services, such as the possibility of choice in the selection of products offered. Hats off and thumbs up 👍
I'm glad that my previous contribution in the evaluation someone sweated. The suggestion to improve the offer was implemented in a short time. The customer has the opportunity to choose the colour of the rhododrome and to match the colour of the wall and the interior.
I finally glued the rhodostromo on the wall. The delay was caused by the unification of the colour of the rhodostrome, the painting and the wall itself.
The second time you choose a rhodostromo from you, it will be much easier to choose a suitable rhodostromo.😜
I keep my fingers crossed for you.
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Od nakupu rodostromu januar 2021 som zaregistroval progres v ponuke sluzieb, ako moznost vyberu v moreni ponukanych produktoch. Klobuk dole a palec 👍
Som rad, ze moj predchadzajuci prispevok v hodnoteni niekto vypocul. Podnet k vylepseniu ponuky bol v kratkom case zrealizovany. Zakaznik ma moznost si vybrat farbu rodostromu a farebne zladit s farbou steny a interierom.
Rodostrom som konecne aj ja nalepil na stenu. Zdrzanie bolo sposobene zjednotenim farby rodostromu, nalakovanim a samotneho vymalovania steny.
Pri druhom vybere rodostromu od Vas, uz bude ovela lahsie si vybrat vhodny rodostrom.😜
Drzim Vam palce.
Verified owner
Looks great, a real eye-catcher, good workmanship. A great idea to showcase pictures in this way.
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Sieht super aus, ein echter Blickfang, gute Verarbeitung. Eine tolle Idee, Bilder so in Szene zu setzen.
Verified owner
This is the second product I have ordered from the shop. I am also completely satisfied with this one. Unique in design and a very good alternative for displaying special pictures.
And this won't be the last product from your shop. I still have one more item I want, next year then ;-)...
This is the second product which I ordered from the shop. I am completely satisfied with this too. Unique in design and a very good alternative for displaying special images.
And this time it won't be the last product from your shop either. I still have one desired article, next year then ;-) ...
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Das ist das zweite Produkt was ich vom Shop bestellt habe. Auch mit diesem bin ich vollkommen zufrieden. Einzigartig im Design und eine sehr gute Alternative für die Darstellung von besonderen Bildern.
Und auch diesmal wird es nicht das letzte Produkt aus eurem Shop bleiben. Einem Wunschartikel habe ich noch, nächstes Jahr dann ;-)...
This is the second product which I ordered from the shop. I am completely satisfied with this too. Unique in design and a very good alternative for displaying special images.
And this time it won't be the last product from your shop either. I still have one desired article, next year then ;-) ...
Verified owner
This is the second product I have ordered from the shop. I am also completely satisfied with this one. Unique in design and a very good alternative for displaying special pictures. And this won't be the last product from your shop. I still have one more item I want, next year then ;-)... ***** This is the second product which I ordered from the shop. I am completely satisfied with this too. Unique in design and a very good alternative for displaying special images. And this time it won't be the last product from your shop either. I still have one desired article, next year then ;-) ...
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Das ist das zweite Produkt was ich vom Shop bestellt habe. Auch mit diesem bin ich vollkommen zufrieden. Einzigartig im Design und eine sehr gute Alternative für die Darstellung von besonderen Bildern. Und auch diesmal wird es nicht das letzte Produkt aus eurem Shop bleiben. Einem Wunschartikel habe ich noch, nächstes Jahr dann ;-)... ***** This is the second product which I ordered from the shop. I am completely satisfied with this too. Unique in design and a very good alternative for displaying special images. And this time it won't be the last product from your shop either. I still have one desired article, next year then ;-) ...
Our team is ready to assist you with any questions about our products, shipping, or customization options.
Reliable support
Fast support, warranty service and easy returns.
Lifetime guarantee on our wooden products.
4.85/5 average rating
Over 6300 reviews from customers from all around the World.
98% customers recommend us.
Personalised orders
68travel is an original manufacturer which means we can create personalised orders quickly.
We live for the adventure
At 68travel we love to travel and explore. We strive to use recycled natural materials and reduce plastic usage.
68travel around the World »
Original product made by 68travel™️
68travel is an original manufacturer of wooden maps and decorations
68travel is an original manufacturer, we are not a reseller. The production of our wooden maps and other wooden decorations is a lengthy and complicated process. At the end of it is a beatifuly finished wall decoration, so when you look at it you will say "wow, this is awesome!". Then you remember all the memories from spots around the World where you've already been to...
The manufacture itself is preceded by the conceptual and design preparation. You wouldn't believe how much work it takes to decide which countries to put in which layer, how to combine the colours - to tune it all, so that the layers lined up and look great. How to choose 50 from more than 300 islands from around the World for the standard islands package and others for the Extended Islands Package.
Thoughts and ideas are then processed into vectors. These computer zeros and ones are transferred through engraving machines to plywood which is then stained with different colours to achieve an even more impressive 3D design. And gradually every single piece, every country, every island comes to life. All the little parts are then glued together by hand and create the individual continents - the 3D wooden map gets its final form.
In the end, everything needs to be packed so that the maps get safely to you from Slovakia in the heart of Europe - across the borders and across the oceans.
And then it's up to you to transfer this magnificent wall decoration to your own wall and enjoy the view for many years to come. Because maps are charming and everybody loves maps.
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